In July 2017, Dogs Playing for Life visited Kokomo Humane Society to implement our Every Dog, Every Day! Seminar to teach them how to enrich the lives of their dogs by running daily playgroups. Since then, we've helped them become...
Read MoreKate Graduates CFF, Finds New Home

Kate was brought into Dan Cosgrove Animal Shelter way back in March of 2016 as a stray. At the shelter, she was available for adoption but would bite at fingers when visitors reached into her kennel – not causing injury but resulting in not being chosen time and time again.
Vaš kompas za najboljše igralnice v Sloveniji!
Igralništvo v Sloveniji
Igralništvo je v Sloveniji ena izmed najbolj priljubljenih oblik zabave. Veliko ljudi se odloča za obisk igralnic, saj ponujajo razburljivo vzdušje in možnost osvojitve velikih dobitkov. Čeprav je igralniška industrija v Sloveniji relativno majhna v primerjavi z drugimi državami, pa še vedno obstaja nekaj odličnih igralnic, ki so vredne obiska. V tem članku vam bomo predstavili nekaj najboljših igralnic v Sloveniji, ki vam bodo zagotovile nepozabno izkušnjo.
Igralnica A
Igralnica A je ena izmed najbolj priznanih igralnic v Sloveniji. Nahaja se v središču mesta in ponuja široko paleto igralnih avtomatov, rulete, blackjacka in drugih priljubljenih iger na srečo. Igralnica A je znana po svoji vrhunski storitvi in prijaznem osebju. Poleg tega imajo tudi različne promocije in nagradne igre, ki vam lahko prinesejo dodatne dobitke. Če želite izvedeti več o Igralnici A, preberite našo oceno tukaj.
Ponudba iger
- Igralni avtomati
- Ruleta
- Blackjack
- Poker
Igralnica A ponuja široko izbiro igralnih avtomatov, ki vključujejo klasične igre in najnovejše video igralne avtomate. Poleg tega imajo tudi mize za ruleto, blackjack in poker, kjer se lahko preizkusite v teh priljubljenih igrah na srečo. Ne glede na to, ali ste začetnik ali izkušen igralec, vam bo osebje igralnice A z veseljem pomagalo in vam svetovalo pri izbiri iger.
Igralnica B
Igralnica B je znana po svoji elegantni notranjosti in visoki kakovosti storitev. Nahaja se v bližini turističnih znamenitosti in ponuja široko paleto igralnih avtomatov, miz za igre na srečo in restavracij. Igralnica B je priljubljena izbira med domačini in turisti, saj se lahko sprostite, uživate v igrah na srečo in si privoščite odlično kulinariko. Če želite izvedeti več o Igralnici B, preberite našo oceno tukaj.
Ponudba restavracij
- Gourmet restavracija
- Picerija
- Kavarna
Igralnica B ponuja različne restavracije, kjer si lahko privoščite okusne obroke med igranjem. Gourmet restavracija je znana po svojih vrhunskih kulinaričnih mojstrovinah, medtem ko v piceriji lahko uživate v sveže pečeni picah. Kavarna pa je idealen kraj za sproščanje ob skodelici kave ali čaja. Ne glede na vaše želje, boste v Igralnici B zagotovo našli restavracijo po svojem okusu.
Igralnica C
Igralnica C je prava izbira za ljubitelje pokra. Nahaja se v bližini centra mesta in je specializirana za različne vrste pokra, vključno z Texas Hold’em, Omaha in Stud Poker. Igralnica C redno organizira turnirje in ponuja tudi možnost za privaten poker večer s prijatelji. Poleg tega imajo tudi druge igre na srečo, kot so ruleta in igralni avtomati. Če želite izvedeti več o Igralnici C, preberite našo oceno tukaj.
Pokrovski turnirji
- Texas Hold’em
- Omaha
- Stud Poker
Igralnica C je znana po svojih pokrovskih turnirjih, kjer se lahko pomerite z drugimi igralci in pokažete svoje pokrovsko znanje. Ne glede na to, ali ste začetnik ali izkušen pokrist, vam bodo turnirji v Igralnici C zagotovo prinesli veliko zabave in vzburjenja. Poleg tega imajo tudi mize za ruleto in igralne avtomate, če želite preizkusiti svojo srečo tudi v drugih igrah.
Za več informacij o najboljših igralnicah v Sloveniji, obiščite našo spletno stran in preberite naše ocene. oceno tukaj.
Sometime later, a potential adopter was attempting to put a collar on Kate when she reacted poorly and SNAPPED AT the man. At that point, Kate was deemed unsafe for adoption, but the shelter staff knew she could be helped. She was then sent to DPFL’s Canine Center Florida (CCF) for evaluation, training, and lots of TLC.
Upon arrival at CCF in March 2018, Kate displayed barrier reactivity and was wary of new people, especially men.
Her most vital training was focused on meeting new people – both at CCF and at off-site venues – and she has grown tremendously with the guidance of our staff. She now shows social and friendly behavior when meeting new people.
One thing we learned is that Kate loves to learn! Her obedience skills are advanced and she passed her GRC Social Responsibility test demonstrating mannerly walking on leash, appropriate greeting of strangers, down, stay, middle, along with other socially acceptable behaviors. She loves to work for treats and enthusiastically demonstrates her obedience skills when asked. This girl goes nuts for treats!
Kate enjoys being with people and has proven to be an attentive and affectionate companion. In addition to lots of training, Kate has spent time living in our staff housing, appreciating cuddles, and playtime with toys.
After Kate’s training was complete and with approval from her previous shelter, Kate’s profile was posted to our Petfinder account.
It was through Petfinder that Mara, Kate’s adopter, found and fell in love with Kate. After reading Kate’s initial assessment and watching videos of her at the Canine Center, Mara was impressed with her training and was excited about the possibility that Kate could be a friend for her current dog, Rock. Mara came to DPFL’s Canine Center with her dog to meet Kate and spend time getting to know her.
Kates adoption was finalized on September 14, 2020!
Things have been going great in Kate’s new home. Her first vet appointment went swimmingly and the vet and vet tech loved her. Kate and Rock get along so well and they love to play together.
Kate in Her New Home

“She is such a happy, hungry, sweet, and bold girl!” – Mara
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